Rob Thomas Sets Up Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter Campaign; THE GOAL IS MET

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ll see that the talk of the day (beyond that Pope thing) is the possibility of Veronica Mars movie being funded through fan backing on Kickstarter. If the Kickstarter campaign raises more than $2 million… and, as of 6PM tonight, they have already met their goal!

(And, yep, that means updating this site for the first time in four years!)

Rob Thomas is producing and writing (of course), Kristen Bell is ready to appear… but it’s only even a possibility if they get to the $2 million.

All of the information you’ll need — what they’re planning, how you can donate, what you’ll get if you do donate — is right there on the Kickstarter page, so if you want…


If successful, we could get our Veronica movie by 2014. Since it looks like they made it, more support can surely only mean BETTER chances of the movie happening.

More information should be in the next print issue of Entertainment Weekly.

What do you think of this idea? Come talk about it on our forum!

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